Why Team Appreciation Matters in Customer Service

While businesses are increasingly driven by technology and automation, there are still quite a few industries that rely heavily on ‘person-to-person’ interaction and communication. Sometimes, these roles are a thankless position. It can feel like you are just a cog in a machine, when in fact, customer service representatives are the heart and soul of any organization.

To balance this delicate give-and-take in the customer service business, companies need a strong recognition program to show their team the appreciation they deserve. Team members are not just assets to be managed, but rather individuals with lives, aspirations, and challenges outside of work. 

At Answer Midwest, we recognize the importance of supporting our team’s professional and personal well-being. It’s why we go beyond the standard employee benefits and invest in programs that contribute to our team members’ overall well-being — in and outside of the office. 

Provide A Sense of Purpose

In an era where social media often glorifies grand gestures and life-altering contributions, it’s easy to feel that job satisfaction is directly tied to saving lives or making headlines. However, the reality is far more nuanced. Sometimes, the world truly needs a friendly voice on the other end of the line — a simple yet profound act that can turn someone’s day around.

Many, when needing to call a customer service representative, brace themselves for a less-than-pleasant interaction. However, because kindness is a virtue instilled into our company, helping others is not just a checkmark on the to-do list. It’s a way of life — Answer Midwest President Jen Schulz reiterates daily the Golden Rule: to treat others how you would want to be treated. The numerous compliments and gratitude shared with the team from callers they’ve helped gives their work meaning and provides our team with a sense of purpose. 

Invest in Your Team’s Well-being

Today’s fast-paced work environment that puts the focus on achieving high productivity and bottom-line results can cause employee well-being to take a backseat. At Answer Midwest, we believe well-supported employees are happier both personally and professionally, which is why we’ve implemented several programs to enhance our team members’ well-being:

Marketplace Chaplains

Well-being goes beyond the physical; it also includes mental health. We have a commitment to our team members to create an uplifting and supportive company culture, which is why we partnered with Marketplace Chaplains in 2023. This service connects our team with the listening ear of a neutral third-party to support their emotional wellness. This Employee Care Service program comes at no additional cost to our team, and they have 24/7 access to talk with a Chaplain. 

SmartDollar Program 

Financial stress is a significant concern for many Americans, which can pose a risk to both personal well-being and job performance. Our SmartDollar program provides the resources and coaching needed to make informed financial decisions. Through the program, our team gains access to comprehensive financial management tools, including recorded videos and podcasts, to help them achieve their financial goals. In 2023, Answer Midwest added one-on-one personal financial coaching, which would typically cost $100 to $300 per hour completely free of charge, to give our team members additional support to achieve financial freedom.

Create Trust

Trust is not just a buzzword at Answer Midwest; it’s a cornerstone of our organizational culture. We firmly believe that caring for our team members creates a ripple effect, empowering our team members to take exceptional care of our clients and callers. In essence, it’s people taking care of people, and that’s the kind of culture we strive to cultivate.

It’s easy to talk about culture and values, but we believe in showing, not just telling. A prime example of this commitment is our recent decision to increase pay for our team. It wasn’t just about the increase itself, but also the message that accompanied the increase. We reiterated that when making business decisions we take into account the impact it will have on each of them and this particular business decision was a tangible way to give back to our team and better support them in their lives.

By doing what we say we’re going to do, we’re not just building trust but fortifying it. We’re sending a clear message to our team: “We’ve got your back.” We’re proud to have created a culture where trust is not just a value but a lived experience, creating a solid foundation for team satisfaction and business success.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

At Answer Midwest, team appreciation is not an annual event or a box to be checked; it’s a continuous, daily effort that permeates every interaction and decision we make. We are committed to providing a holistic support system for our team members — after all, a well-supported team is the foundation of a successful business

Looking to become a member of the Answer Midwest team? Reach out today to apply to one of our open positions.